Robots, Coding and Fun
Check out a robot from the library. STEAM kits create portable learning experiences around science, technology, engineering, arts & design and math and offer families a way to experiment and learn together. Kits come in a backpack and check out for 2 weeks with a GPPL library card. Learn about coding, astronomy, liquids and more through hands-on experiments and manipulatives.
Learn to program with Bee-Bot!
Book Discussion Kits
Available for check out
Kits contain 10 paperback copies of the book, background information on the author, book reviews and suggested questions to enhance your group discussion.
Story Kits
Picture Books Plus
Story Kits contain a beloved children’s picture book, a toy such as a plush teddy bear, activity sheets and other items. Each comes in its own special backpack. Everything you need to enrich the story experience with your child.
Browse the Print Collections
Business, lifestyle, cooking, fashion -- GPPL subscribes to a wealth of periodicals. Read the current issue or check out older ones.
Tagged as: tool collection, tool rental, seed collection, grosse pointe grows, wi-fi hotspots, hot spot, magazines